DMV - Virtual Office 25.00.2

Vehicle Title Transfer

Any change of the registered owner or lienholder (legal owner) of a vehicle or vessel is considered to be a change in ownership that must be updated on the records within 10 days of the event at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Visit for additional instructions and requirements before completing the form below.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, the applicant will need to be present with you in order to complete this form.

Save all original documents you upload for this application. You will need them at the end to complete processing.

Vehicle Registration Renewals


This web form should only be used when Online Renewal has failed or you are ineligible for Online Renewal.

Visit for additional instructions and requirements before completing the form below.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, the applicant will need to be present with you in order to complete this form.

Commercial Driver's License Medical Report Update


A valid (original or copy) approved federal Medical Examination Report Form (MER) MCSA-5875 form and Medical Examiner’s Certificate Form (MEC) MCSA-5876 completed by a United States (U.S.) licensed doctor of medicine (M.D.), licensed doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), licensed physician's assistant (P.A.), registered advanced practice nurse (APN), or licensed doctor of chiropractic dated within the last 2 years must be submitted every 2 years for current Commercial Driver's License holders. Drivers who hold certificates to drive school buses, School Pupil Activity Bus Certificate (SPAB), youth buses, General Public Paratransit Vehicle (GPPV), or farm labor vehicles must have their medical examinations completed by licensed doctors of medicine, licensed physician's assistant, registered advanced practice nurse, or a chiropractor who is listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (CVC §12517.2).

A medical report dated within the last 2 years is required every 2 years after initial Commercial Driver's License (CDL) issuance. If your CDL is expired, suspended, or lost, do not use this application.

View additional instructions here: General Instructions

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

Replacement Title Application


This web form should only be used to request a replacement California Certificate of Title.

The replacement title will be mailed to the address on record. If you have moved, you will either need to change your address with us online or submit a change of address form with your Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227). If you change your address online, wait approximately 3-4 days before submitting this request to ensure your record was updated.

Visit for more information on replacement titles.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, the applicant will need to be present with you in order to complete this form.

Original Disabled Person Parking Placard

This application is only for requesting an original Disabled Person Parking Placard. Visit the Disabled Person Parking Placards and License Plates page for more information.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, the applicant will need to be present.


Replacement Disabled Person Parking Placard

This web form should only be used to request a replacement California Disabled Person Parking Placard. Visit Disabled Person Parking Placards and License Plates for more information on disabled placards.

A replacement Disabled Person Parking Placard will be mailed to the address on record. If you have a change of address, complete DMV 14 - Change of Address and upload an electronic copy on the Additional Documents tab.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, the applicant will need to be present with you in order to complete this form.

Dishonored Check or Refund in Error Payment

This form is to start your payment after receiving a dishonored check or refund in error letter.


You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.


Planned Non-Operation

This form is to place your vehicle on planned non-operation (PNO). 

Planned non operation (PNO) means that the vehicle will not be driven, towed, stored or parked on public roads or highways for the entire registration year.  DMV will accept PNO filings up to 60 days before registration expires or up to 90 days after the registration expires.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

Reissue Fees Transaction

This form is to check your eligibility for a Reissue Fees Transaction.  After submitting your information, you will receive an email within one (1) business day regarding your eligibility.  If you are eligible, you will receive a payment request.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Training Certification

This form is to submit your CDL Training Certificate (DL 1236).  California residents applying for an original CDL (Class A or B) must complete a minimum of 15 hours of behind-the-wheel training prior to the issuance of a CDL.

You may navigate this form with the back and next buttons at the bottom or the labeled tabs at the top.

QR code expired. Generate a new QR code.

Scan with CA DMV Wallet app.  This QR code will expire after 15 minutes.

1. On a phone? Open the CA DMV Wallet app, then return and tap on the QR code. Tap on Open with CA DMV. Tap Accept to allow credential transfer, then tap OK and return to the browser.

On a computer? Scan the QR code with your CA DMV Wallet app.

mDL Scan QR Code Instructions

2. After scanning the QR code, accept the sharing of information.

mDL Accept Info Sharing
I have scanned the QR code and agree to share my information with the California DMV.

mDL received.  Continue with your application.

Continue with your submission and submit your DL card photo in the Application Documents section.
Continue with your submission and submit your other Identity Documents in the Application Documents section.

Applicant Information

If you are submitting this application on behalf of someone else, enter the applicant’s name as it appears on their registration card and title.

If you are submitting this application on behalf of someone else, enter the applicant’s name and address below as it should appear on their new registration card and title. Any auto generated documents need to be electronically signed by the applicant.

If you are submitting this application on behalf of someone else, enter the applicant’s name and address below as it appears on their registration card and title. Any auto generated documents need to be electronically signed by the applicant.

If you are submitting this application on behalf of someone else, enter the applicant’s name and address below as it appears on their placard identification card. Any auto generated documents need to be electronically signed by the applicant.

If you are submitting this application on behalf of someone else, enter the applicant’s name and address below.

Required * 

Mailing Address Confirmation

DMV has the following address on file. If this address is not correct, you must complete a Change of Address before applying for a Vehicle Registration Renewal.

Is your mailing address on file correct?

You must complete a Change of Address before applying for a Vehicle Registration Renewal.

Fill in Address Line 2 with your state/territory.

Vehicle Registration Renewal


Vehicle/Vessel Title Transfer


Replacement Title Application


CDL Medical Report Update


Disabled Person Parking Placard Application


Reissue Fees


Dishonored Check or Refund in Error


Commercial Driver's License Training Certification


VRR/VTT/RTT (Hidden)

[UAT ENVIRONMENT ONLY] Vehicle verification status:

We are unable to process your vehicle renewal until your vehicle is within 75 days of the registration due date.  Try again when your due date is closer.

Is there a trailer being transfered with the vessel/boat?

Complete this submission for the vessel/boat transfer.  A second submission will be needed for the trailer.

Do you want to place this vehicle on non operation status?

Sign the provided Planned Non-Operation Certification (REG 102) after submission.*

This vehicle is not eligible for planned non-operation (PNO). DMV only accepts PNO filings up to 75 days before registration expires or up to 90 days after the registration expires. Coach trailers are not eligible for PNO.  This transaction will now proceed as a Vehicle Registration Renewal.

Our records indicate that this vehicle is currently on non-operation, would you like to remove the vehicle from non-operation status?

Fill out the Certificate of Non-Operation (REG 102) section of this application and sign the provided form after submission.*

Renewal Fees are not due at this time. You may close this form.

Provide a copy of the documents provided to you by law enforcement or the tow agency in the Additional Documents and Information section, if available.

Trailers are not automatically issued a paper Certificate of Title. Would you like a paper title issued? (additional fee is required)

Sign the provided Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) Certification (REG 4017) Side A after submission.*

Fill out the Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (REG 4008) section of this application and sign the provided form after submission.*

Is the license plate or sticker missing?

Fill out the Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers or Reg Card (REG 156) section of this application and sign the provided form after submission.*

CDL Medical (Hidden)

Disabled Person Parking Placard (Hidden)

Dishonored Check or Refund in Error (Hidden)

Is the payment for your Vehicle Registration record or your Driver's License record?

If we have trouble locating your record, we will contact you for more information.

We found an existing case for an identical request made by you previously. A new request may not be submitted at this time. You may instead review the emails you have already received in relation to the case listed below and reply with any requested information.  Additionally, you may request a new email to be sent to you with the button below.

Case Number Case Status Next Steps
Need to get in touch with DMV technicians but can't locate the last email received?

A new email has been sent to .


Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.

Save all original documents you upload for this application. You will need them at the end to complete processing.

California Certificate of Title * (Images of the front and back are required)

Make sure each uploaded image is:

  • On a flat surface
  • Clear and readable
  • Showing all four corners

IMAGE-ID: Sample title (Front-DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample Title (Front-DONT)


IMAGE-ID: Sample title (Back-DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample Title (Back-DONT)

Upload your REG 227 - Application for Replacement Title. * (Images of the front and back are required)

Make sure each uploaded image is:

  • On a flat surface
  • Clear and readable
  • Showing all four corners

IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 227 (Front-DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 227 (Front-DONT)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 227 (Back-DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 227 (Back-DONT)

 Fill out the Statement of Facts (REG 256) section on the next screen and sign the provided form after submission.

Upload the death certificate of the previous owner.*

We were unable to find a valid smog test in our system. Note that it may take up to 2 business days for the SMOG certificate to update the DMV systems. 

Did you obtain smog certification for the vehicle within the last 90 days? Smog Exemptions*


Fill out the Statement of Facts (REG 256) section of this application and sign the provided form after submission.*

You may pay the fees due to avoid penalties. Your title transfer will be completed once we receive a valid SMOG certificate.


Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.

This web form should only be used when Online Renewal has failed or you are ineligible for Online Renewal. Using DMV’s Online Renewal will get you your sticker and registration card faster than the DMV Virtual Field Office. 
The DMV Virtual Field Office is designed for more complex transactions that would normally require a DMV Field Office visit.  It is an interactive transaction with a DMV agent, conducted via email, phone, or chat.

An e-signature will be required on our generated Statement of Facts (REG 256) to complete your application.  Failure to electronically sign the document will result in the cancellation of your application.*

Congratulations! Your vehicle is eligible for DMV's expedited Online Renewal. This is an automated service and will ensure prompt processing of your vehicle registration renewal.


Click here to be taken to Online Renewal.

IMAGE-ID: Sample REG Card

Our system indicates that your vehicle does not have insurance.  Enter your Insurance NAIC and policy number.  You have three (3) attempts to validate with NAIC and policy number before you will be required to upload your proof of insurance.

Your NAIC and policy number can be found on your insurance card.

IMAGE-ID: Policy Number and NAIC Number can be found on your insurance card.

For information on vehicle insurance requirements, visit:

Insurance verified. Thank you.

Insurance is required to drive or park your vehicle on California’s roads. If there is no evidence of insurance associated with your vehicle, we will ask you for it later. We won’t be able to issue your sticker and registration card without it. Go ahead and continue with the application.

We were unable to find a valid SMOG test in our system. Note that it may take up to 2 business days for the SMOG certificate to update the DMV systems. 


We were unable to find a valid SMOG test in our system, please upload your SMOG ceritifcate.  If you don't have a SMOG certificate, come back in two buisness days to allow DMV systems to be upated by your SMOG station.*

You may pay the registration to avoid late fees. Your renewal will be completed once we receive a valid SMOG certificate.

Our system curently indcates your vehicle is due for a SMOG check.  Since your renewal is due soon, you may continue this transaction to avoid late fees. Your vehicle will need to pass the SMOG check before registration can be issued.
For information on smog requirements, visit:

CDL Medical

Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.

Upload your combined MCSA 5875 - Medical Examiner Report and MCSA 5876 - Medical Examiner's Certificate.* (Images of all pages required)

Make sure each uploaded image is:

  • On a flat surface
  • Clear and readable
  • Showing all four corners

IMAGE-ID: Sample MCSA-5875 (DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample MCSA-5875 (DONT)

IMAGE-ID: Sample MCSA-5876

Upload your MCSA 5875 - Medical Examiner Report.* (Images of all pages required)

Make sure each uploaded image is:

  • On a flat surface
  • Clear and readable
  • Showing all four corners

IMAGE-ID: Sample MCSA-5875 (DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample MCSA-5875 (DONT)


Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.

If you don’t have your current vehicle registration card, go ahead to the next question.  If we have trouble locating the vehicle, we will contact you for more information.

For Southern California fire victims seeking fee waiver, select "Yes" in the dropdown to provide your new address to mail the title to.


Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.


Upload your REG 195 - Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates signed by your medical provider (Images of the front and back are required). *

Make sure each uploaded image is:

  • On a flat surface
  • Clear and readable
  • Showing all four corners

IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 195 (Front DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 195 (Front DONT)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 195 (Back DO)


IMAGE-ID: Sample REG 195 (Back DONT)

Upload proof of full legal name and date of birth with one of the below items (Images of the front and back are required): *

Commercial Driver's License Training Certification

Application Documents


You may click the “Select Files” button to upload the specified files. You may attach .PDF or image files of 10 MB or less.

Have you scheduled your Behind the Wheel Commercial Drive Test appointment?

Upload your completed and signed DL 1236 - CDL Training Certificate *

Auto Generated Documents

Do you have a Driver's License or ID Number?
Does your vehicle title/registration have a co-owner?
Does the co-owner have a Driver's License or ID Number?
Is your residence/business address and mailing address the same?

Fill in Address Line 2 with your state/territory.

Is this vehicle used and mainly garaged out of state?

For Southern California fire victims seeking a fee waiver, select county of residence impacted by fire.

Enter zip code of residence impacted by fire, if applicable.

A Statement of Facts is required to be eligible for a fee waiver, see instructions on the next page for document completion and upload.

Statement of Facts (Reg 256)


This section is used to generate a Statement of Facts (Reg 256) for you.  For reference, you can view the blank form here.  An e-signature will be required to complete your application.  Failure to electronically sign the document will result in the cancellation of your application.

What is the age of the sibling GIFTING the vehicle?
What is the age of the sibling RECEIVING the vehicle?
Select why you are exempt from SMOG
Powered By
It is being transferred from/between:
Our system currently indicates this vehicle is on PNO, will this vehicle be operated on the road after transfer?

Replacement Title Application (REG 227)


This section is used to fill out a REG 227.  An e-signature will be required to complete your application.  Failure to electronically sign the document will result in the cancellation of your application.

What happened to your title?

We cannot proceed with your application because there is a lien holder listed on this vehicle.

Visit the link below for further information on Replacement Titles.

Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (Reg 4008)


This section is used to fill out a Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (Reg 4008). An e-signature will be required to complete your application.  Failure to electronically sign the document will result in the cancellation of your application.

Is the vehicle operating under 10,001 lbs?
Will this vehicle be towing trailers?

Use the table below to determine your vehicle's weight code

Weight Range Weight Code CVRA Fee Weight Range Weight Code CRVA Fee Weight Range Weight Code CVRA Fee
Under 10,001 None N/A 30,001-35,000 E 801 55,000-60,000 J 1,431
10,001-15,000 A 332 35,001-40,000 F 937 60,001-65,000 K 1,562
15,001-20,000 B 447 40,001-45,000 G 1,028 65,001-70,000 L 1,701
20,001-26,000 C 546 45,001-50,000 H 1,161 70,001-75,000 M 2,004
26,001-30,000 D 586 50,001-54,999 I 1,270 75,001-80,000 N 2,064

Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents (Reg 156)


This section is used to fill out an Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, or Reg Card (Reg 156). An e-signature will be required to complete your application. Failure to electronically sign the document will result in the cancellation of your application.

What is missing? (Select all that apply)
What is missing? (Select all that apply)
What is missing?
How many plates were surrendered?

Certificate of Non-Operation (Reg 102)


This section is used to fill out a Certificate of Non-Operation (REG 102).  Fill out the start and end date of your vehicle's non-operation and provide the address in which the vehicle was stored at.

Additional Documents and Information

Optionally, you may upload a copy of California Driver's License and current Vehicle Registration Card here. It is not a requirement to upload these documents and may be provided later, per request by the DMV technician, after review of this application.
If you have any other documents to upload to help with this application such as change of address (DMV 14), a previously issued placard, identification (ID) card, a copy of your driver's license or driver ID, a copy of your birth certificate, a copy of your permanent residency card, citizenship certificate or other acceptable proof of true full name and date of birth document, attach them here.

Save all original documents you upload for this application. You will need them at the end to complete processing.

Sign and complete section G of the Statement of Facts confirming your vehicle title was destroyed by one of the following fires in Los Angeles or Ventura County: Palisades, Eaton, Hurst, Lidia, or Woodley.

Use the Select files button below to upload Statement of Facts.

Statement of Facts

Use Tax
Smog Exemption

Replacement Title Application

REG 227 Usage

Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight

Application for Replacement Plate Sticker or Reg Card

What is missing? (DPPP)
Reason for missing (mapping)

CNO (REG 102)

PNO (REG 102)

Formulas for SFDC (will be hidden from requester)

Text Set
Are you transferring a vessel (boat)?

SOAP API response to verify License Plate and VIN (Hidden)

Smog Check (Hidden)

CISA Insurance Verification

VRIR Check

Customer/Contact API Information (Hidden)

LexisNexis Email Search


SFDC Response Mapping